User Acquisition and CRO

Convert organic traffic into new users, signups, and leads

Elevate your SEO program with a strong user acquisition and conversion strategy to generate more leads and signups for your startup.

SEO doesn’t end with the traffic

In fact, winning more organic visitors is only half the battle. You also need to convert them into your sales funnel, be it getting more direct signups or trials or convincing more visitors to book a demo with your sales.

But to do that, you absolutely have to understand and optimize the sales funnel, identify gaps that prevent visitors from going any further, and spot opportunities to boost conversions.

In other words, you need to implement a proper acquisition strategy that can get you the trials, signups, or demos that you need.

Moritz Dausinger, CEO,

I’ve been showing our Analytics stats to other founders I know because I’m amazed how much traffic and direct signups Pawel delivers every month.

What’s more, all this is completely hands-off for me. Pawel looks after everything relating to our SEO, freeing me to work on other areas of the business.

User acquisition for early-stage startups

I analyze your existing sales funnel and then come up with an acquisition strategy to boost your ROI from SEO.

Sales funnel analysis

Sales funnel analysis.

I analyze your existing sales funnel, understand the best ways to convert your visitors, and identify gaps that stall conversions to implement the most relevant lead generation and user acquisition strategies.

Conversion campaign ideation

Then, I plan and strategize the best ways to convert your traffic. From mapping calls to actions to relevant commercial pages to outlining lead nurturing strategies, I design the whole process for you.

User acquisition campaign.

Calls to action and lead captures

CRO for SaaS.

I implement the process, too. I set up relevant calls to action on your site and create offers and lead magnets to capture more leads and signups.

Email sequence planning

I also plan and set up email sequences and automation to help nurture and convert leads into trials, signups, or demos, depending on your sales funnel.

Email sequence planning.

Conversion tracking setup

Conversion tracking.

Finally, I set up conversion tracking so that you can clearly see the impact of SEO and content on your bottom line.

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